Architecture +Urbanism is pleased to recommend a new publication MAIFINITO by Professore Gaetano Licata of the University of Palermo.
"These essays, projects and original drawings, together with a survey of international artistic, social and architectural experiences, all gravitate around the phenomenon of maifinito. A way to describe, and make visible, an enormous quantity of unfinished buildings diffused throughout urban and extra-urban areas, mainly in the South of Italy. A phenomenological investigation which is bound to overcome ideological biases, in order to let reveal paradoxical and hidden qualities. What can we learn from this phenomenon? Are there maifiniti buildings or settlements, which, as architectures, urban areas, and landscapes, can propose positive elements from which to learn, concepts to absorb and complex practices to borrow, both for their own transformation and for new projects? Which hypothesis of future development is still viable for maifinito buildings? The degree of incompleteness of the maifinito is ever-changing and, given its entity, we may attempt to see it as potential heritage that can be reactivated at any time, starting from the meeting between today’s current needs and the new tangible and intangible conditions produced by the maifinito."
MAIFINITO is published in a bilingual Italian and English edition by Quodlibet Studio
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