The MA Architecture + Urbanism course is the Manchester School of Architecture's taught postgraduate course which conducts research into how global cultural and economic forces influence contemporary cities. The design, functioning and future of urban situations is explored in written, drawn and modelled work which builds on the legacy of twentieth century urban theory and is directed towards the development of sustainable cities.

Saturday, 21 September 2013

What now ...?: The Fourth Annual MA A+U Colloquium

The Fourth Annual MA A+U Colloquium will be held in our new base Chatham 809 on Thursday 26 September between 4.00-6.00pm presenting examples of the urban research conducted by the 2012-13 cohort. ALL WELCOME
Thomas Sydney MA PARIS Hajir Alttahir MA NEW YORK Curtis Martyn MA HAVANA Simon James MA MADRID The Colloquium will be followed by the opening of the MA Show in the new Manchester School of Art building

Monday, 16 September 2013


Congratulations to all our successful MA A+U graduates in the 2012-13 cohort
Elham Amini MA Hajir Alttahir MA with Distinction Xiaoxue Bu MA Simon Carder MA Matteo Casaburi MA with Distinction Chen Xi MA Juan Manuel del Castillo Caceres MA with Distinction Gu Fang MA Simon James MA Justina Job MA Rebecca King MA Christos Kyrillou MA Che-Yu Liu MA with Distinction Curtis Martyn MA with Distinction Shiyuan Qin MA Thomas Sydney MA with Distinction Zhouzhi Yu MA

Sunday, 8 September 2013

Architecture + Urbanism recommends "Confronting Urban Planning and Design with Complexity: Methods for Inevitable Transformation"

On January 16 - 17 2014 Manchester School of Architecture will be hosting the AESOP Confronting Urban Planning and Design with Complexity: Methods for Inevitable Transformation 12th Thematic Group Meeting on Complexity and Planning
call for papers Urban transformation has increasingly become recognised as both inevitable and complex. Processes of urban change can take various forms, from evolutionary to emergent, and are driven by trans-scalar and dynamic relationships ranging from policy and infrastructure to local and bottom up agency. Working with these complexities requires innovative new approaches and tools which can incorporate and utilise the inherent potentials of urban change. These could support spatial planners and designers in managing transformation and retaining dynamics and adaptability within systems. Processes of urban transformation incorporate multiple and parallel assemblages of dynamic change. It is often within the comparative timelines of the processes of change and the differences between the types of transformation, that opportunities for intervention and management in such processes can be identified and negotiated. With this in mind, spatial planners and designers of the urban realm are asked to demonstrate, identify and propose innovative approaches and methodologies which utilise complexity as the filter through which morphological urban processes can be addressed in a variety of ways, from spatial acupuncture and pattern formulation, to stakeholder negotiation and policy design. This call is aimed at exploring more closely the potentials and parallels between processes of Spatial Planning and Urbanism/Design. In particular, how the complexity sciences can create and enhance this discourse through an examination of processes of inevitable transformation. Papers may address: The relation between processes of planning, urban spatial design, urban transformation and complexity; Approaches and tools to work with ongoing and inevitable urban transformation; The potential of utilising multiple timelines and dynamic relationships between spatial development processes to enhance planning and design methodologies; Complexity as the basis for communication and collaboration between planners, designers and policy makers. We will work towards a themed issue for the journal Environment and Planning B: Planning & Design. ABSTRACTS to be submitted by 30 September 2013 to Ulysses Sengupta

Tuesday, 3 September 2013

MA A+U 2012-13 Thesis Projects 2.0

The second group of recent student submissions are illustrated below
Hajir Alttahir New York
Thomas Sydney Paris
Curtis Martyn Havana
Elham Amini Runcorn - Further examples of thesis projects are available here
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